Multithreading - Multiprocessor operating systems
The Cigarette Smokers Problem
Consider a simulation with three smoker threads and one agent thread. Each
smoker continuously makes a cigarette and smokes it. But to make a cigarette, a
smoker needs three ingredients: tobacco, paper, and matches. One of the smoker
threads has only paper, another has only tobacco, and the third has only matches.
The agent thread has an infinite supply of all three materials. The three smoker
threads are initially blocked. The agent places two randomly chosen (different)
ingredients on the table and unblocks the one smoker who has the remaining
ingredient. The agent then blocks. The unblocked smoker removes the two
ingredients from the table, makes a cigarette, and smokes it for a random amount of
time, unblocking the agent on completion of smoking the cigarette. The agent then
puts out another random two of the three ingredients, and the cycle repeats.
Write a multi-class multithreaded Java program that uses a monitor to
synchronize the agent thread and the three smoker threads. Do not mechanically
translate semaphore code into monitor code! The agent thread executes in an
agent object created from an agent class. Each smoker thread executes in a smoker
object. All smoker objects are created from one smoker class whose constructor is
used to specify the ingredient possessed by the smoker object. A driver class with a
main method constructs the objects and starts the threads. Use a single monitor
object instantiated from a class Control for synchronization. Each of the four
threads invokes a synchronized monitor method for its synchronization. No
semaphores are allowed. No synchronized blocks are allowed, only synchronized
methods. No busy waiting is allowed. No calls to nap inside a synchronized method
are allowed (do not nap while holding the monitor object's lock, that is, while inside
a synchronized method or while inside a method called by a synchronized method).
Source Code:
Cigarette Smoker's Problem Solution using java
Author : Sarju
Date: 10-03-2013
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
class CigaretteSmokersProblem {
public static void main(String[] args) {
table smokingtable = new table();
agent controlAgent = new agent(smokingtable);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// each smoker-thread gets the controlAgent, so the thread can wake up the agent and we don't have to do notifyAll();
smoker smokerThread = new smoker(smokingtable, i, "Smoker " + Integer.toString(i+1), controlAgent);
class smoker extends Thread {
private table smokingtable = new table();
private String ingredient;
private int ingredientNumber;
private agent controlAgent;
public smoker(table pSmokingtable, int pIngredientNumber, String pName, agent pAgent)
// only save the number of the ingredient, we'll get the ingredient's name while the thread is running
ingredientNumber = pIngredientNumber;
this.smokingtable = pSmokingtable;
controlAgent = pAgent;
public void run()
ingredient = smokingtable.getSmokerIngredient(ingredientNumber);
if (!smokingtable.hasIngredient(ingredient) && !smokingtable.isEmpty())
System.out.println(getName() + " has " + ingredient + ".");
try {
System.out.println(getName() + " tells the agent to start the next round.");
// the thread tells the agent to continue
} catch (Exception e) {}
public synchronized void doSmoke() throws Exception
System.out.println(getName() + " rolls the cigarette.");
System.out.println(getName() + " smokes.");
System.out.println(getName() + " has finished.");
class agent extends Thread {
private table smokingtable;
public agent(table pSmokingtable)
smokingtable = pSmokingtable;
public void run()
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
// this triggers the smoker-threads to look at the table
System.out.println("The agents puts " + smokingtable.getAgentIngredients() + " on the table.");
// pause the agent while one smoker thread is running
public synchronized void wake()
} catch(Exception e){}
public synchronized void pause()
} catch (Exception e) {}
/*Class for creating table*/
class table {
//Variables for storing ingredients(tabacco,paper,matches)
private ArrayList allIngredients = new ArrayList();
private ArrayList agentIngredients = new ArrayList();
public table()
allIngredients .add("tabacco");
allIngredients .add("paper");
allIngredients .add("matches");
/*Function for setting two ingredients randomly*/
public void setAgentIngredients()
Random random = new Random();
ArrayList copyAllElements = (ArrayList) allIngredients .clone();
int ingredient1 = random.nextInt(copyAllElements.size());
int ingredient2 = random.nextInt(copyAllElements.size());
/*Function for checking weather the table is empty*/
public boolean isEmpty()
return (agentIngredients.size() == 0);
/*Function for getting two ingredients that
are set previously by the function setAgentIngredients()*/
public synchronized String getAgentIngredients()
return agentIngredients.toString();
/*Function for getting the ingredient
with the corresponding smoker*/
public synchronized String getSmokerIngredient(int pIngredient)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
return allIngredients .get(pIngredient);
/*Function for Checking the smoker has the same ingredient
as in the table if so smoking is is not possible*/
public boolean hasIngredient(String ingredientName)
return (agentIngredients.contains(ingredientName));
public synchronized void pause()
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
The Cigarette Smokers Problem
Consider a simulation with three smoker threads and one agent thread. Each
smoker continuously makes a cigarette and smokes it. But to make a cigarette, a
smoker needs three ingredients: tobacco, paper, and matches. One of the smoker
threads has only paper, another has only tobacco, and the third has only matches.
The agent thread has an infinite supply of all three materials. The three smoker
threads are initially blocked. The agent places two randomly chosen (different)
ingredients on the table and unblocks the one smoker who has the remaining
ingredient. The agent then blocks. The unblocked smoker removes the two
ingredients from the table, makes a cigarette, and smokes it for a random amount of
time, unblocking the agent on completion of smoking the cigarette. The agent then
puts out another random two of the three ingredients, and the cycle repeats.
Write a multi-class multithreaded Java program that uses a monitor to
synchronize the agent thread and the three smoker threads. Do not mechanically
translate semaphore code into monitor code! The agent thread executes in an
agent object created from an agent class. Each smoker thread executes in a smoker
object. All smoker objects are created from one smoker class whose constructor is
used to specify the ingredient possessed by the smoker object. A driver class with a
main method constructs the objects and starts the threads. Use a single monitor
object instantiated from a class Control for synchronization. Each of the four
threads invokes a synchronized monitor method for its synchronization. No
semaphores are allowed. No synchronized blocks are allowed, only synchronized
methods. No busy waiting is allowed. No calls to nap inside a synchronized method
are allowed (do not nap while holding the monitor object's lock, that is, while inside
a synchronized method or while inside a method called by a synchronized method).
Source Code:
Cigarette Smoker's Problem Solution using java
Author : Sarju
Date: 10-03-2013
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
class CigaretteSmokersProblem {
public static void main(String[] args) {
table smokingtable = new table();
agent controlAgent = new agent(smokingtable);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// each smoker-thread gets the controlAgent, so the thread can wake up the agent and we don't have to do notifyAll();
smoker smokerThread = new smoker(smokingtable, i, "Smoker " + Integer.toString(i+1), controlAgent);
class smoker extends Thread {
private table smokingtable = new table();
private String ingredient;
private int ingredientNumber;
private agent controlAgent;
public smoker(table pSmokingtable, int pIngredientNumber, String pName, agent pAgent)
// only save the number of the ingredient, we'll get the ingredient's name while the thread is running
ingredientNumber = pIngredientNumber;
this.smokingtable = pSmokingtable;
controlAgent = pAgent;
public void run()
ingredient = smokingtable.getSmokerIngredient(ingredientNumber);
if (!smokingtable.hasIngredient(ingredient) && !smokingtable.isEmpty())
System.out.println(getName() + " has " + ingredient + ".");
try {
System.out.println(getName() + " tells the agent to start the next round.");
// the thread tells the agent to continue
} catch (Exception e) {}
public synchronized void doSmoke() throws Exception
System.out.println(getName() + " rolls the cigarette.");
System.out.println(getName() + " smokes.");
System.out.println(getName() + " has finished.");
class agent extends Thread {
private table smokingtable;
public agent(table pSmokingtable)
smokingtable = pSmokingtable;
public void run()
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
// this triggers the smoker-threads to look at the table
System.out.println("The agents puts " + smokingtable.getAgentIngredients() + " on the table.");
// pause the agent while one smoker thread is running
public synchronized void wake()
} catch(Exception e){}
public synchronized void pause()
} catch (Exception e) {}
/*Class for creating table*/
class table {
//Variables for storing ingredients(tabacco,paper,matches)
private ArrayList
private ArrayList
public table()
allIngredients .add("tabacco");
allIngredients .add("paper");
allIngredients .add("matches");
/*Function for setting two ingredients randomly*/
public void setAgentIngredients()
Random random = new Random();
int ingredient1 = random.nextInt(copyAllElements.size());
int ingredient2 = random.nextInt(copyAllElements.size());
/*Function for checking weather the table is empty*/
public boolean isEmpty()
return (agentIngredients.size() == 0);
/*Function for getting two ingredients that
are set previously by the function setAgentIngredients()*/
public synchronized String getAgentIngredients()
return agentIngredients.toString();
/*Function for getting the ingredient
with the corresponding smoker*/
public synchronized String getSmokerIngredient(int pIngredient)
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
return allIngredients .get(pIngredient);
/*Function for Checking the smoker has the same ingredient
as in the table if so smoking is is not possible*/
public boolean hasIngredient(String ingredientName)
return (agentIngredients.contains(ingredientName));
public synchronized void pause()
try {
} catch (Exception e) {}
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